
Neem & Cholesterol
Major causes of a heart attack include
blood clots, high cholesterol, arrhythmic heart action and high
blood pressure. Neem has been helpful in these conditions too. Its
leaf extracts have reduced clotting, lowered blood pressure and bad
cholesterol, slowed rapid or abnormally high heartbeat and inhibited
irregular heart rhythms. Some compounds may produce effects similar
to mild sedatives, which reduce anxiety and other emotional or
physical states that may prompt a heart attack. The antihistamine
effects of the nimbidin in its leaves cause blood vessels to dilate.
This may be why the leaves help reduce blood pressure.
A recent study proved that, when a patient
took either neem leaf extract or neem capsules for a month, her high
cholesterol levels fell subsequently. In another study
(Chattopadhyay, et al, 1992), alcoholic extract of neem leaves
reduced serum cholesterol by approximately 30 percent two hours
after its administration. The cholesterol level stayed low for an
additional four hours until testing ceased.
Another study (Koley and Lal, 1994) showed
that an intravenous alcoholic extract of the leaf produced a large,
immediate decrease in blood pressure, lasting for several hours. A
neem leaf extract, sodium nimbidinate, given to those with
congestive cardiac failure, was successful as a diuretic. Regarding
arrhythmic heart action, neem leaf extract exhibited antiarrhythmic
activity, which returned to normal within eight minutes of
Since neem is a safe herb when used in low doses,
drinking neem tea for a month to stabilize cholesterol levels may be
For those that would only need small reductions or for
after eating an exceptionally fatty meals neem tea as an after meal
drink may be an alternative.
Source: © Neem Foundation, Mumbai, India.
Heart Disease
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