Neem & Pets
• Wash shampoo
NEEM oil is an insecticide of natural origin that
can be used both in humans and in animals. It is especially useful
for the care and protection of the dogs, but also for birds and all
kinds of pets. If you use mixed with shampoo dog wash, it eliminates
fleas, ticks, bed bugs and mites in the skin and fur. In addition,
as it is an excellent repellent, also protect after washing against
these insects, bringing moisture to coat.
Its use is very simple, just add 5% pure Neem oil to the
usual shampoo of the pet wash, and mix well (e.g. 10 ml to 200
ml of shampoo neem oil), or shampoo to wash the hair of the family.
In humans, will be an excellent remedy against dandruff and itching
in the scalp. But it will also help in the prevention of hair loss
and that this does not get gray prematurely, at the same time that
will protect against all kinds of parasites such as lice.
Neem oil is used as a basic ingredient in many creams,
shampoos and oils for massage, <CLIC
HERE> to know how can prepare home-made, and thus not having
to buy these items separately.
• Spray with neem oil
In many cases, washing the dog does not carry out more than
one or twice a month, so it is likely that the protective effect of
neem oil is reduced, or even disappeared. To solve this problem, a
spray can be made to use on a regular basis.
Its preparation is very simple (water + 3% liquid soap +
neem oil 5%), take a small boat from sprayer, it is filled with
water warm up to the 3/4 parts of it (to be able to shake well), 3% of liquid soap, for example the dishwasher check (for 100 ml of
liquid, add around 3 ml of soap), although a natural soap would be
the best one, as potassium soap,
and mix well with water (soap is necessary for neem oil to dissolve
in water).
To this mixture of water and liquid soap, now add a 5% pure
neem oil and again mix well. The sprayer is ready to spray your pet
2-3 times per week. It is advisable to also spray the place where
sleeps the dog, for added protection.
This spray will be very useful, also, to apply it to birds,
given the ease with which these are affected by all kinds of insects
and pests. You can spray on the chicken, to protect the hens, or
about the same birds, where they are already affected, as well as in
the cage of parakeets or parrots, Canaries, finches, etc.
• Internal protection of pet
In the case of dogs, they sometimes eat grass. Specialists
say that this behaviour is that it feels good stomach and eating
forage makes them regurgitate and be better. However, many
veterinarians recommend trying to avoid this behavior, at least in
the public gardens, since these grasses tend to be sprayed with
herbicides or other chemicals, so the dog could poison and suffer
serious health disorders.
To prevent these problems
neem leaves
are used, which are not only good to strengthen health and human
digestion, but also that of our pets are used. We take the leaves in
tea form or in capsules (both have the same ingredient: powder of
leaves of the neem tree), while the dog can eat leaves powder mixed
directly with your meal.
The internal use of neem leaves helps against intestinal
parasites. In general, it is beneficial to the intestine, stimulates
the function of the liver and strengthens the immune system. This
will also help our dog to cope with this type of disorder.
Neem leaf powder is bitter. To facilitate that the dog eats
it, can be masked somewhat its flavor, mixing half teaspoon of
powder with your usual meal, a couple of times a day.
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Neem & pets
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